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Help me run the London Marathon again (my first VLOG)

I am delighted to be a finalist in the competition to be one of 4 official London Marathon Bloggers for the 2014 race.  I am down to the final 15 and now the competition has gone to public vote.  I was asked to make a 90second video on why I wanted to run the London Marathon and this has now become my first foray into Vlogging (video blogging).  Xanthe helped edit it and the ukelele soundtrack is also provided by her.

I was not given much notice to make the video and Daisy was also pretty poorly at the time so it was put together on a Sunday while we were also liaising with the hospital on what new antibiotics to start, delivering blood samples to the ward for analysis and dealing with her seizures and pain - no wonder I look slightly manic in some of the shots!

As you know, and the video explains, I love to run and it helps manage the stress with my life with Daisy.  I ran the marathon this year and here are the two blog posts I wrote about my experience with marathon running and why I do it

So - if you would like to help me fulfill my wish to run a sub-4 marathon and raise even more funds for ShootingStar-Chase please click on the link below to vote (it takes seconds!)


  1. Twinsplustwo2:36 pm

    Have voted :)

  2. stephnimmo6:34 pm

    Thank you! x

  3. belle paras2:58 am

    good luck!
