Comic Relief, Team Honk and a little girl with a big heart

OK first things first - what in heaven's name is Team Honk?  Team Honk is the name of a social media phenomenon, driven by bloggers to raise funds and awareness for the Comic Relief charity.  You can read more about the origins of Team Honk here  - About Team Honk

2014 is a Sport Relief year (where sporting challenges become the focus for the Comic Relief fundraising) and Team Honk has come up with a brilliant way for the blogging community to be involved and hopefully raise over £20,000 for Sports Relief.

When you child's playstation habit makes you burst with pride

I really, really did not imagine I would ever write a post with the title "when your child's playstation habit makes you burst with pride", but a couple of weeks ago that is what happened.

You see I have this love/hate relationship with games consoles - the neurotypical (read non-aspie) parent in me who believes in healthy exercise, being outside, riding bikes, kicking footballs, throwing rugby balls and hours spent in a swimming pool, hates games consoles, they are a modern day evil turning our children into dribbling, square-eyed, monsters...

However, the other parent in me, the one who is trying to understand how her children tick, who is aware of the one who is differently wired, who is desperately not trying to turn in to her parents  (anyone remember the comments their parents made about your favourite bands during Top of the Pops?)........

Reflections & Resolutions

This is the toughest time of the year for us Special Needs Parents, New Year brings with it not a sense of expectation but almost a sense of dread  - what will this year throw at us? Where were we this time last year, where are we now?

For me it is a point in time, close to Daisy's birthday where we can mark where we are with her, and it tends to take all my normally optimistic and mindful outlook to drag myself out of the gloom and focus on the year ahead as I look back on what has happened so far.