...with a little help from my friends

This Sunday I am running the London Marathon again.  I ran it last year thanks to a golden bond place from ShootingStar-Chase, Daisy's Hospice.  Those people who know me well and follow this blog know that running is my thing, it's my way of keeping sane in this crazy world I live in.  Last year I  raised lots of money for our hospice when I ran the marathon, it was a way of giving back for everything they have done for our family over the years.

This year I was fortunate (thanks to the votes of many of my blog readers) to win a place in the London Marathon in a blogging competition.  I am now an official London Marathon Blogger and not only did I win a free place in the marathon, I also won some lovely running kit and shoes - which for any runner is definitely a bonus!  I could have just rested easily and got on with my training, but, although I run in many races in a year, the marathon requires a huge commitment of time and energy, particularly as I have set myself a goal to try and achieve a sub 4 hour time for the race this year.  I did not want to pass up the chance to once again raise awareness and funds for our hospice, they receive not government funding and yet they provide a vital service, providing palliative care to nearly 700 life limited children across London and Surrey.

The problem is, everyone wants money, especially at this time of the year when it's spring marathon season.  We have all had the requests for donations, and there are so many amazing causes, what do you do?

So I decided to get very ambitious with my fundraising and with four weeks in the planning and an "if I build it, they will come" attitude, I put together a Crafts, Cakes & Coffee event.

In between marathon training, hospital visits, my already sky high work load and all the other stuff I contend with every day, I also found myself negotiating room hire rates for a local church hall, persuading businesses to provide raffle prizes, tempting local crafters to take a table at the event and cajoling and coaxing friends to help.

And help they did, over the years my amazing friends have been there through thick and thin, supporting our family as we lurch from one crisis with Daisy to the next and last Saturday they were out in force - friends who we knew from day one, from before Daisy was born and from the early days in the neonatal unit and friends who have come into our lives over the years.

We had a lovely afternoon, our local community coming together, we had a raffle, craft stalls, a plant stall, mini treatments, a wonderful cake stall and a served teas and coffees and hot chocolates.  Lots of friends from so many parts of my life came along, they spent money, they helped out, they sold raffle tickets, made cups of tea.

All these brilliant people - the cake makers, the helpers, the spenders, the donators - every person who was involved in some way came along because they know a little bit about Daisy and how our hospice supports her.

We made £1,000! How amazing - from a little idea four weeks previously, we raised a four figure sum for our hospice and hopefully brought a little bit of extra sunshine to some people's afternoons.  What a lovely way to spend a Saturday - all thanks to a little help from my friends xxxx

Thank you to everyone who came to and helped out with Daisy's Fundraiser - you are all amazing!

Read more about my marathon training on my Virgin Money London Marathon Blog

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1 comment:

  1. Well done you, determined and inspirational lady. Good luck for the weekend, will be looking out for you! What time are you hoping for?! x

